
My husband and I  recently received two bundles of joy from Olga. Not only are 
they beautiful adorable cats, they also have the sweetest dispositions. You can 
tell they were raised with a lot of love and affection. They were well adjusted 
from the moment we took them home. Olga was very patient as we could not decide 
between the black or blue and white. We were so in love with Hoover the blue and 
white, that we went back the next day and got our Black Jack. They instantly 
bonded with our tabby Persian. My parents will also be getting a kitten from 
Olga in the very near future. We highly recommend Bastatpalace Persians.

Sue and Dave Kohan

I am very happy with my purchase of my beautiful Torte Persian, she is so 
playful and very affectionate, she has adjusted very well to her new home, and 
after just a few days is part of our family!! Thanks for a great experience!

Hi Olga,

I wanted to let you know that the Calico baby girl is doing just  
fine.  We named her "Calli".  The first night was so sad as she kept  
crying so I let her sleep next me on my bed.  She loves sleeping by my  
neck to hide.  She is so affectionate and sweet that even my husband  
loves her already.  I can even say that she has a better personality  
than my persian girl here.  My other Persian girl would hiss at Calli  
at first, but now she is very curious and playful with Calli.  I'm so  
glad because now they have each other as playmates.  Calli is also  
great with the litter box. i showed her her litter box once and she  
caught on quick.  It's so amazing to me how a baby kitten can be so  
smart already using the litter box.   I want to thank you for this  
precious little girl.  Bastatpalace produces such beautiful Persians!   
Thank you for all your time and patience with me.  I will keep in  
touch with you with any questions and to update you on out new baby  
girl, Calli.  Take care always!

Cheryl Dizon


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